Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Horse

Marcel Allain's past is a mystery. He claims that most of his life was spent high on drugs or alcohol, but the number of celebrities and media personalities he is aquainted with paints a picture of a man that is more than just a junkie. Marcel was given the name "LE CHEVAL" because of his high tolerance for narcotics and alcohol.

Born and raised in Montreal, he spent most of his youth on the streets. His parents worked for the French government and would spend months at a time in Europe, leaving him to fend for himself. Occasionally he would host parties at his parent's home, but when his father found out he quickly put an end to the parties. These parties were so sexually charged and decadent that they became an underground legend. This was how Marcel first came into contact with the elite of the city; what started as a place to get high and fool around became a must attend social event. It was at his last party on his 18th birthday that Marcel announced he was moving out. He was not seen in the city again for five years.

By no means qualified to work for a government agency like The Canadian Legion, Melissa felt that the use of his powers far outweighed any personal problems Marcel might have. Marcel on the other hand is not comfortable taking orders from a woman, but the money they offered him makes it a little easier to take. No one knows when his powers first appeared, but it has been suggested that he was born with them, however the personal force field that surrounds him was not strong enough to be noticeable until he was in his 20's.


Marcel is surrounded by a self-sustained life preserving 'bubble' which is often refered to as a forcefield. The field acts to deflect objects or even energy which come in contact with the outer limit of the field. Marcel can mentally increase the intensity of the field so as to deflect a large object or objects traveling at unusually high rates of speed, or alter its shape slightly for better results. The field will also repel disease and gas without his mental effort, giving him a perfect living environment at all times. Heat, cold, even the crushing pressures of the deep sea cannot damage his field. Even unconscious it continues to protect him.

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